Primary School Tuition

Primary School Tuition

Primary Education In Singapore: Choosing a School

primary school tuition singapore

The Singapore education system is renowned for its high quality and excellence. In recent years, Singapore has consistently ranked at the top of international assessments such as the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA).

Primary education in Singapore is compulsory and free for all Singaporean citizens. All children aged six and above must attend a government or government-aided school. International students are also welcome to study at Singaporean primary schools. They however, need to sit for the AEIS tests which ensures that they possess the required proficiency in English and Math prior to admission. International students will benefit from an AEIS Preparation course that will bring them up to speed and address any learning gaps. The preparation course is conducted by capable & experienced AEIS Specialist Tutors from a top tuition agency.

If you are thinking of enrolling your child in a primary school in Singapore, here is what you need to know.

Singapore’s primary education system is designed to develop every child’s fullest potential. Through a broad-based curriculum that covers academics, physical education and aesthetics, we aim to develop well-rounded individuals. In Singapore, primary education lasts for six years, starting from Primary 1 to Primary 6. During this time, students learn the basics of mathematical, scientific and language skills.

There is a special programme for Gifted Education (GEP), which offers higher-level Mother Tongue classes for students who are able to cope with an accelerated pace of learning. This programme is only available in certain primary schools. These schools are considered to be “premier”.

In most Primary Schools, for students who need more time to catch up, they will take subjects at the Foundation level. Exams are only introduced in Primary 3, and only for English, Math and Mother Tongue.

Admission to popular schools is intense, and many parents start preparing their child even before they are of school-going age. Primary school admission is based on proximity, parent & sibling affiliation & volunteering efforts. Competition for premier schools are so intense that some parent buy or rent homes near top schools just to secure a place in the first selection ballots. Others might volunteer in the school of their choice for 2 years preceding admission.

In general, all schools are good schools, administered by the Ministry of Education, Singapore. The teachers are all trained in the National Institute of Education taking the same courses in pedagogy. There should be no doubt that the quality of education in our Primary schools are of equal footing. The popular schools, however, do have special programmes that are sought after.

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