# 1 Secondary Tuition Singapore
Planning for Academic Success in Secondary School with the #1 Tuition Agency Singapore
Singapore offers a world-class education system that is renowned for its excellence. Secondary school in Singapore is typically attended by students aged 12 to 16 years old, and offers a holistic and rigorous education that prepares students for the rigours of tertiary education and beyond. Secondary schools in Singapore offer a wide range of academic and non-academic programmes, so there is something for everyone. Academic programmes typically offered include English, Mathematics, Science, and Humanities. There are also a wide variety of non-academic programmes such as sports, music, and the arts which constitutes Co-Curricular Activities (CCA).
It is expected for all students to experience a heavy workload in Secondary School. They need to take anywhere between 7 to 9 subjects that cover a breadth of disciplines. Some focus is achieve in Secondary 3 where their subjects can come from 3 or 4 disciplines. The core courses are English, Math, and Science. Private Tuition or Home Tuition is popular with Secondary students. A Private Tutor Singapore from the Best Tuition Agency will help the student cope with the subject material & work towards academic excellence. The tutor will fill in the learning gaps that exist as the student progresses through the academic year.
The N Level & O Levels are critical milestones in Secondary Education set by the Ministry of Education Singapore. These exams determine how the students’ progress into post-secondary education. An effective learning plan is highly recommended & a Private Tutor Singapore is the ideal partner to tailor success for the individual student. The following subjects tend to be popular for secondary Tuition in Singapore:
- Secondary English Tuition
- Secondary Math Tuition
- Secondary A Math Tuition
- Secondary E Math Tuition
- Secondary Science Tuition
- Secondary Chinese Tuition
- Secondary Higher Chinese Tuition
- Secondary Pure Physics Tuition
- Secondary Combined Physics Tuition
- Secondary Pure Chemistry Tuition
- Secondary Combined Chemistry Tuition
- Secondary Pure Biology Tuition
- Secondary Combined Biology Tuition
- Secondary History Tuition
- Secondary Geography Tuition
- Secondary Literature Tuition
- Secondary PoA Tuition
- O Level English Tuition
- O Level E Math Tuition
- O Level A Math Tuition
- O Level Physics Tuition
- O Level Combined Physics
- O Level Chemistry Tuition
- O Level Combined Chemistry
- O Level Biology Tuition
- O Level Combined Biology
- O Level Geography Tuition
- O Level Literature Tuition
- O Level History Tuition
It is always good for the learning scheme to adopt the optimal pace for the student to develop his/her academic potential. Exam preparation is always hectic and can cause great distress to the student if instituted incorrectly. If the teachers or parents are not able to assist in this aspect effectively & in a timely manner, a private tutor is the best possible person to guide the student.